Stuart Allen, B.A.
Native English Language teacher
VTCT diploma in Health and Fitness (Halesowen College, United Kingdom), Team Leader in Retail Sector level 3, TEFL level 5.
After several years of working in the retail sector in United Kingdom, my wife and I made the
decision to move our family to Poland. I have always loved visiting Poland and it was a true dream
come true to move here.
Since half of my family is Polish, helping people improve their English language skills has been a part
of my life for years. Therefore, after moving to Poland, it was a natural progression for me to move
into the education sector as a Native English Language teacher, which after attaining my TEFL level 5
diploma, I was able to do.
My work at Regent focuses mainly on group and individual conversational classes with both adults
and children, and it is the variety in the students I teach that makes the work so exciting.
Hobbies and interests
Outside of work I enjoy exercising and running. Last year I participated in a couple of 5km and 10km
runs organised in Bażantarnia, as well as the VI Elbląski Bieg Niepodległości. Besides fitness, my other interests reside in electronics and gaming.
Favourite quote
“The purpose of our lives is to be happy”
– Dalai Lama